
Scouting’s quality depends on its volunteers and our volunteers depend on Scouting to teach them the skills they need. Our modular training scheme delivers the full spectrum of required skills. Volunteers can choose training modules that are relevant to the role that they do, ranging from leadership to running residential experiences and first aid.

Our training scheme was recognised with a National Training Award from UK Skills. It is one of the reasons why we have managed to increase our volunteer numbers over the past few years, against the national trend.

Over 90% of our volunteers believe that the skills and experiences they have gained through Scouting have been of relevance to their working or personal lives, so we’re certainly doing something right.

A study of volunteers found that more than two thirds of respondents reported a direct correlation between their volunteer experience within Scouting and gaining employment or career development.

Training in Scouting has also enabled volunteers to gain accreditation for Open College Network awards in Youth Work, and helped them to become associate members of the Institute of Leadership and Management and the Institute for Training and Occupational Learning.

We are always looking for Volunteers in The Malverns. If you think you may be to help as a Leader, Manager, Administrator, Trustee or just help, please don’t hesitate to get into contact with us. Just e-mail us on volunteer@scoutsmalvern.org.uk and we’ll get back to you as soon as we can.

Some of our current vacancies are shown below (just click on the image and a PDF version will download):

squirrel scouts logo
beaver scouts logo
cub scouts logo
scouts logo
explorer scouts logo
network scouts logo