
We have a number of specific contacts within the District on our About Us, Contacts page.
Click here to see this Contacts page.
For more general contacts, please see below or use the Contact Form:


  • more general enquires,
  • to report any problems with the website or information that needs to be amended (please provide full details),
  • if you want to get involved with Scouting in The Malverns as a volunteer or gain skills for life as a Squirrel, Beaver, Cub, Scout,  Explorer or Network member (please let us know where in The Malverns you live so that we can link you to the nearest Unit),
  • or if you have any other questions about Scouting in The Malverns,

Get in contact with us. In due course this will be using the contact form below (to be added) and we will try to respond as soon as practical. Meanwhile please e-mail

Thank You

squirrel scouts logo
beaver scouts logo
cub scouts logo
scouts logo
explorer scouts logo
network scouts logo